Continuing a project that M?STRY/GASH started quite a while ago now. Still needs a slight bit of touching up but is pretty much there. 'The 36 House Proud' Rules for keeping our house nice was something that came straight from the state of our home. Not wanting to just moan about the state of it. M?STRY & GASH set about on a massive clean. After that and in order to prove the seriousness of what we were doing we headed down to letter press where we typesetted 12 rules in 12 typefaces. The outcomes we're nice but the other day I developed the whole project a little further when the house (sure enough) was messy once again. Taking a few of the posters and the mess I found just downstairs I stained, messed up, and dirtied the posters with all the things that had been left around. To prove the point more than anything else. But also giving the posters a bit reason and feel. Tea bag stains, chocolate spread, and alcohol. And to top it off whilst down in the workshop today someone liked the prints so much they asked to have one. So now Gash will be taking up a wall in someones house. Signed and sealed. A very good thursday.
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