So this is what GASH has been spending all his time doing at the moment. Along with a few select class members. We designer this Press pack to send off hoping to attain some sponsorship for our show. Fingers crossed. But I've got some more letterpress to show you as well. Just need to get back down there once more and add on the title. Then I can start my next self project down there.
anyone need an eye test..... I say no more.
Check the Bees n 'oney. It's come out really nice.
Too much written work at the moment. As all my projects seem to be going down a serious path for a change. Lots of reading. Lots of writing.
Hopefully it'll pay off in the end.
O and hyperkit tomorrow. More more more inspiration. The week is going well.
AHhh and how could I forget. Team 'cosmic sausages' scored second in the pub quiz last night. This beats the hell outta 1st apparently as for first place you win a meal which tastes like its been cooked by a troll or something. So we joyfully accepted our cash prize all 30 pound of it and spent it on sweets and chocolate from the shop over the road. (the rest on pints).
Awesome. GASH OUT. experiments follow this week. Z