
Tuesday, 24 March 2009


and foe's its finally happened.
today it worked.

STG is online. its official.

forget blogspot.
The gash has a new home... AND IT WORKKKKSSSS


thankyou very much.

Sunday, 22 March 2009

Haven't updated here in ages. Been doing loads though. Saving you up for something special.
The Gashspot is breaking up. Moving, to bigger and better places. Website still being built. More infomation to follow.

Gash for now.

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Saatchi Gallery

Monday was a nice day so me and Joe pedaled our way over towards Sloane Sq. to check out the Saatchi Gallery. It's free so you might as well. Some really funny, and different art work in there at the moment. As well as some quite contemporary stuff. The gallery itself is amazing and can inspire any dull mind.
Printed ESSELLE mix sleeves today. got 100s to sort through. But will post them up later.